Balaji, Pune 22/11/2008

Places visited: Balaji Pune
Date: 22/11/2008
Purpose: Picnic
Persons: Harshal, Juilee, Aai, Baba, Manda Mavshi
We planned to go to Katraj Snek Park. We started from our home and went towards Vitthalvadi and I suddenly planned to go via Katraj Bahyavalan Marg. So I took U-turn and took the bypass and drove at the speed of 100. Here I missed the Katraj Exit and when we gone from under the tunnel, I came to know that we missed it. So we decided to goto Balaji. We reached there at 11:30 AM. There was a long queue. Juilee felt happy by the darshan. We each got big laddo. While returning back, I carefully drove and took right turn for satara road, where we planned to have lunch in "Shreyas Siddhi". After lunch, we arrived at home.
