Mamata Bal Sadan 8/1/2017

Places visited: Mamata Bal Sadan
Date: 8/1/2017
Purpose: Visiting an orphanage home.
Persons: Harshal, Juilee, Aai, Radhika, Dinesh Sant, Rajeshwari, Sachin Naidu, Ketaki, Shilpa, Kaveri, Juhi.

It was a "colder than usual" day on Sunday. Ideally, we should have woke up late and spend the lazy winter Sunday morning with a hot ginger tea and Poona Bakery Pattis. But, this Sunday morning was different.
We woke up early and got ready to go for a good cause..... "sharing"..... "sharing what we have and sharing what we can"!
Me and my team mates from John Deere had thought of starting this new year by celebrating it with young kids at Mamata Bal Sadan in Saswad (near Pune). It is an orphanage home for girls.
Ketaki and Vinay from my team already coordinated with the people over their and prepared for the visit. Most of my team mates added contribution and collected a good amount (Rs. 11780). We planned to donate cupboard, chairs, and other personal care stuff to this home.
We (Me, Dinesh Sant, Vinay Adaki, Shilpa, Ketaki, Sachin Naidu, Kaveri and few of our family members) reached there at around 11 AM. The home is situated in "KumbharValan" village near Saswad. (If you want to visit, then On Saswad road, near Saswad Panchayat Samiti, at Mane Hospital take left turn and then after 3-4 Kms you will arrive at a phtata for KumbharValan village, there turn right and then in next 2 minutes, near Vitthal-Rakhumai mandir, you will arrive at Mamata Bal Sadan)
It is THE home for 50 girls. The youngest is 6 years old and the oldest is studying in B.Com.
After reaching, there I understood what John Deere meant for those girls. They treated us as if we were there close relatives and surrounded us with smiles. After serving tea, they also performed songs, small-talks, riddles and we also played Antakshari (the kids are smarter than me, they knew all the recent songs, which I didn't), Football, and other games with them. It was a fun filled one hour. Not even for a single moment, I could feel that I am in an
orphanage home. I just felt like I am at my home. Entire place and facility was neat, clean and tidy. They also prepare lunch with their own farm-grown vegetables. We had opportunity to enjoy lunch with them.
We handed over the donation items and then we got the receipt (please contact Ketaki, if you want to see the receipt for your reference.)
Departure was not easy. Specially the cute little ones, created so strong bond, that I was in tears while saying bye bye to them. We promised them that we "will be back in next month and we will also come to see their performance in Rainbow event (at Tower 11)" and after getting this promise, they
smiled and waved byes. Then we headed back for Pune.
After coming back to home, I thanked god for giving me this opportunity for sharing and also thanked him for giving me strength to support our community.
Guys and gals, visit it once and observe how much happy those kids are with such a limited supply for luxury items..... I bet, you will re-think about your way of life.

More Photos:

Special thanks to Vinay and Ketaki for all the arrangements, communications and continuous follow ups (I really need to learn these skills from them). Thanks to Jayesh for supporting us in this initiative.

More details:


  1. Wow! Feeling great by reading this. Thank you all for such a good initiative, and big support. Thank you for sharing the details Harshal. Really good start of the year :)

  2. Really Good Harshal...Very nicely written Blog... Great efforts and Initiative...
    I just remembered words from Nana Patekar
    देवाने तुम्हाला दोन हात दिलेत कारण दोन हात पुरेसे आहेत
    ओंजळ भरली की ते मातीत पडण्याआधी देऊन टाका
    या समाजाला तुमचं काहीतरी देणं आहे...

    Sharing is caring...


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