Putnam Museum and Science Center 22/9/2018

Places visited: Putnam Museum and Science Center
Date: 22/9/2018
Time: 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Persons: Harshal, Juilee, Radhika

The museum is good and has science related experiments which kids can enjoy. There is also a 3D theater. We went here due to Radhika's Junior FLL activity to register her team.
There is a cafe inside. But we ate at the Happy Joe's. Juilee got some weird  smelling veg sandwich. Me and Radhika ate pizza.
After the lunch we went back to enjoy the movie and the museum. Radhika liked it a lot.

Details: putnam.org

Museum Tickets:
Adult = $9 X 2 = $18
Child = $8

Movie Tickets:
Adult = $9 X 2 = $18
Child = $8
